Have you ever attended a conference and visited the trade exhibition area and found yourself using describing words such as, uninviting, clumsy or boring? If you answered yes to any of these, you’re not alone.
It can be really challenging coming up with new ideas and concepts, that’s why we’ve complied some of the top trends to rejuvenate your trade display stand and attract more visitors.

1. Introducing the Sustainable Stand
As a society, individual, or organisation we are all beginning to closely evaluate our carbon footprint and implement measures to reduce our impact on the environment. Moreton Hire, is one company leading the way in the industry with their theme for 2020 being “Changes Today for a Better Tomorrow”. In living out this theme they have introduced a fully re-usable and recyclable trade display stand, with a commitment to work with clients to create a visually aesthetic stand whilst being constructed from 100% re-usable or recyclable materials.
2. Get People Moving!
There’s one thing for certain that always draws a crowd; food and innovation. Applying both of these together, will be a sure fire hit at your next stand. Blender bikes are a great way to capture, engage and connect your brand directly with attendees. Attendees choose from a range of smoothie options, jump on the bike to blend, and 30 seconds later walk away with a delicious, healthy smoothie. The Blender Bikes gets attendees moving and engaged with your brand and to maximize your company exposure every aspect of the blender bike station can be branded with your company logo.
“Think outside the box, embrace technology, capture attention and create experiences!”
3. Introducing the Zen Zone
As many of us know a large majority of conference programs can be hectic, full to the brink of keynote speakers, concurrent workshop sessions and endless breakout activities. All of this can lead to a short cry for a little bit of ‘me’ time! For those in an unruly amount of overstimulation why not offer visitors to your trade booth a ‘zen stop’ comprising of a guided 2 or 5 minute meditation session. If your brand values wellness in either a professional or personal vision what a fantastic opportunity to let you brand do the talking. Attendees will leave feeling connected, considered and refueled all thanks to you…need I say more.
4. Did someone say Technology?
There are now a number of organisations turning their attention to technology to help bring their trade booth to life! Weather its taking delegates through an immersive VR experience or installing interactive flooring to get delegates engaged with your brand technology can be a fantastic tool to implement at your next trade stand. These tools enable you to capture attention from visitors to your stand and take them on a story with you and your brand.
5. Mastering a Relaxing Space
A huge trend we are seeing across the trade exhibition space is the use of furniture and ornaments to create an inviting networking space for visitors. We are seeing less a organisations opt for the traditional trade booth layout of trestle tables and conference chairs and brands starting to think outside the box! . The implementation of lounge furniture, tub chairs, coffee tables, bench seating and even coffee machines, offer visitors an “in home” experience. The aesthetics provide an inviting space for attendees to engage with you about your company, brand or product.
However you decide to think about activating at your next trade display stand, I encourage you to think outside the box, embrace technology, capture attention and create experiences!